Pure, skin-balancing, universal skincare.


In the beginning, I remember a childhood sans sunscreen, where we engaged the long summer days outdoors – with tanned gangly arms and legs paddling in our pool. A pretty popular “skincare” product gifted me my first burn my sophomore year in high school. Bleached streaks on towels and pillowcases, and a ghostly white face next to my brown neck, which was, I promise you, horrifying. New fears of swimming and overnighters, and the shame of naked skin. Countless bottles of this and that. Wishful trips to the dermatologist and doctor. Medications that should likely have never entered anyone’s body. Some questions were being asked, but not the right ones.

Thankfully my life still continued, which is hard to imagine when you are devastated and 14. Then I turned 40. My skin was super clear, and – cancer, surgeries, Hashimoto, acid reflux, teeth troubles – it appeared that my body had literally and fully revolted against me. This felt treasonous. I had been fairly proactive and responsible in my self-care and diet for over a decade and then some. What was wrong?

Addictions to sugar, distractions, and sources of comfort (in my thirties it might have looked something like photo-editing all-nighters and growing my Insta feed). As life’s challenges ramped up, so did these coping mechanisms. Dad died of skin cancer, our three precious babies came with their own health challenges, I nearly lost my husband to E.coli, and I finally saw truth. Without an escape or active form of self-soothing, I was a worrier. When I worry, I turn into a major “I got this” girl. I had a compulsion to over-research, over-work, people please, and over-commit, whatever it took to not fail, face it, or cry.

And so here we are, here I am, seasoned, socially irrelevant (as my teenagers now say), and clutching my Heavenly Father’s Hand with all my might.

MoxCito is something I searched for and couldn’t find. It was years of researching, mixing, trying, changing, and discovering the night that my husband said that whatever I was using smelled great, and was working. I stopped wearing makeup, which is something I hadn’t done since I was 13. I shared it with friends and family who were looking for something cleaner or more effective. I made them as gifts, with no further aspirations.

Then text messages came. Beautiful, even miraculous-sounding messages. I couldn’t understand how it was doing what it was doing, but it was clear to me – God was using this product to bring hope and restore skin. Oily, dry, young, old, it didn’t matter. Watching it work was all joy!

I don’t know why MoxCito works, but it just seems to. I can’t promise that using it will make everything better. It won’t. But I’ve been on this journey for a while – full of failure and God’s faithfulness – and some things have been revealed; what I eat matters, probiotics are a wonder (white tongue, anyone?), you’re supposed to poop at least once every day (yes, really), rest isn’t just physical, clean water is vital, God and His ways are life-giving (true peace), and organic oils can clean, hydrate, protect, heal and beautify skin.

Restoration is coming, y’all. Soon, very soon..
